Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cleaning House

This weekend was spent cleaning house with my daughter.  Now Christine who is the youngest of my kids is 12 and thinks that she's 18.  She also has NO idea on the proper way to clean.  However, at her age, I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about.  So, she starts cleaning one area.  She gets that one area clean and everything else is wrecked.  Then she goes to another area and makes the mess bigger.  Before long the whole place is trashed and I've acquired a new way of thinning my hair which, I might add, is not pleasant.  Oh, and let's not forget my constant looking up and asking, "Why God?".

Because she's human, like her mother and every other homo sapien on this planet.  We do the same thing to God.  And as frustrated as I was getting with her, I don't even want to consider how much worse we must be with God.

Think about it.  How many people have you heard come up with the excuses that they'll come to Jesus after they "sow their wild oats" or "gotta clean a few things up in my life"?  Every time that we try to clean up our act without Jesus, we just make a bigger mess.  And it's not just people talking about becoming saved either, the saved are just as guilty.  Don't believe me?  Then just check out David and Bathsheba.  He slept with a married woman then when she conceived, David had her husband killed.  He knew God when he did it.  I'll clean it up before God sees it.  Yeah, right.  David thought the same thing and it worked for Him about as crappy as it works for us.  God sees EVERYTHING.  In fact, God would be the worse being to ever play hide and seek from because there is NO WHERE TO HIDE.  He sees the mess, He saw us make the mess.  He was there the whole time.

When Jesus knocks on the door to our hearts, He knows that there is a mess waiting for Him inside.  That's why He is there.  That's what He does.  He junks out all of the bad, piece by piece, and replaces it with His stuff.  The good stuff.  It's not always easy watching Him throw out things that we deem important but that is where we need to learn faith and trust.  What He replaces these things with are so much better.  What we have is old, worn out, and second-hand.  He is bringing in top of the line, never been used before, Grade A, Kosher, God approved.  He is replacing our little playground with DisneyWorld.  How fab is that?

So, are we ready for our spiritual housecleaning?  Well, step one is to get the ultimate housekeeper.  If you don't have Jesus in your life then I would strongly encourage you to check out this website at and get yourself plugged in.  They are more then excited to help get you on track.

What's funny is the thought that if somebody ever came over to clean my place, I'm the type who would clean before they get there.  Yet with Jesus, He wants us to just give the mess to him.  And it's okay.  Remember, He did watch us as we were making it.

God Bless and always be a snakebird.

Trading Places

This morning while coming in to work I was listening to Skillet's CD Awake.  Two of my sons both love Skillet and neither of them are saved.  While it was playing, all that I could think about was what will happen to them if they remain like they are when the rapture takes place.  Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for it to happen.  However, the mother in me is screaming WAIT FOR MY KIDS!  The very thought of what they will endure just makes me cringe.  If there was any way that I could trade places with them, I would.  Heaven doesn't work that way though.  It's a one way ticket and non-transferable at that.  Besides, I'm an imperfect single mother.  I'm not qualified to take their place.  Nor do I have to.

Our destiny, or fate has already been switched.  There was one perfect man, one that left Heaven itself to take our spot.  "Jesus came into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17.  He never intended to constrict us with a bunch of rules and regulations but to free us from the slavery of our own sins.  To trade places with us and take the punishment that was to be ours.  Jesus is the only one qualified to do that for us.  And He did.

There have been times when I've wondered why He would even considering doing such a thing.  We are so messed up and can't seem to ever learn from our mistakes.  For Him to even think about leaving Heaven and coming onto this earth to die the most horrifying of deaths...  but perhaps this morning I got a small taste of what it was.  Love.  The thought of even one of my kids choosing Hell over Heaven just tears into my very soul.  It rips my heart into shreds.  It such an overbearing pain that makes every atom in my body scream out.  These are my babies.  No matter their age or what they've done they are still my offspring and I will always love them.  When I tell them no it's not to be mean or a bully but to assist them and help give them a better life.  Does it sound familiar?

God is the perfect, ideal father.  If I love my children even with my own imperfections and mistakes that I've made with them then how much more does God love us?  We are His children.  And just as living eternity without my kids there haunts me to no end, maybe that is why Jesus went to that cross willingly.  Because His love for us is so great that He can't bear the thought of spending it without us in it.  We are the children of God.

Jesus doesn't tear down the door of your heart like a SWAT team busting in and forcing Himself on you.  He's a gentleman who is knocking at the door.  It's up to you to get up and answer the door, to invite Him in.  If you haven't done that yet then I pray that you do, just as I pray for my sons.  He desires that none should perish, it tears at Him just as the idea of my children does to me.  For more information if you are seriously looking at that door and hearing the knock, please go to this website at and they are more then syked to help you.

God Bless and always be a snakebird

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yes Virginia, God can even use the X-Men

For those that aren't in the know, I had to go to the hospital last Friday.  It turned out that I had pneumonia but I am better and able to breathe again.  The reason why I mention this is because so many of my close church family members LOVE Marvel Comics and more precisely the X-Men.  And while I was at the ER, the person who took me in for my x-rays was wearing a marvel comics scrub shirt.  I felt as if they were all around me praying and God himself was there.  Of course, with me being the scifi nerd that I am, I loved it.

Now, one of the interesting things was what happened the night before.  Peggy's in town and she stopped by to visit with her boys.  We were talking about my church and the pastors and I had mentioned how they mention Marvel comics but not DC and she was wondering what do they have to do with God.  Good question and if it wasn't for me being such a nerd, I would wonder the same thing.  I would also wonder how God can use things such as movies, books, websites, and etc to teach and show us.  So, I'm going to share two secrets that most people don't know about God.  Ready?

God is the creator of EVERYTHING.  Satan didn't create squat.  I don't really even create squat.  Anything that passes from my fingers unto paper or computer came from God first.  The problem isn't him, it's us.  We have a tendency to place God inside of a box of what we believe and expect him to do.  We expect for Him to play on OUR team and do what we want and desire.  We tend to believe that We are the boss.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad (and good) news but that is such backwards thinking.  It's also thinking that I've also been guilty of.  As the Creator, God is the boss, the Big Kahuna, who can even fire Donald Trump.  He is the author of our lives, not the other way around.  We are to be on HIS team and to concern ourselves with His desires.  He was never meant to be in any box.  And as the top Author of our lives, He doesn't have to play by the same rules that we do.  He isn't bound by things like time and gravity.  For example, if I was to write a story in which everyone is allergic to peanut butter that doesn't make me bound by that same rule.  Mainly because I live outside of the story, much like God is with our lives.  He wants to be a major part of our story but only if we let him.  A side note, God is a gentleman.  He doesn't break down the door to your heart and force you to reside with him, He gives you the option to answer or not.

The second big secret is this:  God can't work in our lives in the capacity that He desires if we keep him in a box.  We have to be willing to open our little minds to him and expect the unexpected.  It is up to us to pray that he will bring sight to our blindness and let him blow our minds.  It's our unbelief that can stop Him from doing amazing things.  Even Jesus wasn't able to perform any miracles in Nazareth because they weren't able to believe that the little boy that they watched grow up is the Messiah.  We are allowed to pray that our unbelief turn into belief.  How else can we overcome it?  How can we let God out of our little, tiny boxes?  To quote my pastors, "don't pray wimpy prayers!".  Pray that He will open your eyes to what he wants to teach you using anything and everything that is around you.  He will do it and it is awesome.

Some X-Men examples that I like is not to be impatient with God like Magneto was (which I've already blogged about), or how about Nightcrawler.  He looks like a demon yet is devoted to God.  How our faith is to be like Cyclops eye beams without his glasses.  I'm sure that there are many more and maybe someday I'll write about them.  The point is, God can teach us anything using anything at our disposal.  Sometimes, because we are so thick-headed, it's the only way He can really get it across to us.

The wonderful thing is that God is the one in charge.  Personally, I'd rather have a perfect God in charge of my life then an imperfect me.  That takes SO much stress off of me.  And, if God can use the X-Men, then He can also use me.  He can also use you if you are willing.    But first you have to know Jesus on a personal level.  If you don't and want to learn more then please go to my church's website at  They would love to hear from you.

God Bless and remember to be a Snakebird.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why does forgiveness matter?

Over 2000 years ago, the most horrid and popular methods of execution was by nailing them to a cross.  It was by far the most wretched slow and painful torture that man has ever conceived.  They would take these two old, huge, splintered pieces of wood and make you drag them throughout the town.  Then when you got to the execution spot they would then pound nails the size of railroad spikes through your wrists and ankles, usually yanking your joints out of their sockets.  Afterwards they would stand the cross up and let it drop into it's hole so that it would stay erect.  The only way to breathe or talk while on the cross was to take your weight and push up on your feet which was painful in itself.  Otherwise you could breathe in but you weren't able to let it out.  It was such a heinous way of death that Rome wouldn't allow for their citizens to be executed in such a manner.

With that in mind, Jesus actually came to the earth just to go on that cross and suffer that death so that he could purge us of our sins.  He did it because the alternative, eternity without us in it, is worse to Him.  Because His love for us really is that strong.  The reason why I mention this with forgiveness has many reasons.  While He was on the cross the first word that came out of his mouth was the word forgive- "Forgive them for they know not what they do".  Through the blood sacrifice of Jesus, God can forgive us.  And through that forgiveness we can have salvation.  But it goes deeper then that.  Much deeper.

To truly love Jesus, we are expected to follow him and obey him.  He is to be the example of what we strive for.  That includes forgiving.  My past has a lot of hurt and abuse in it.  My earthly father was anything but kind while I was a child, and he was worse with me because I was the first-born and a girl (he believes that the first-born should be male).   Yet, if I am to follow the example that Jesus gave on the cross (forgive) then I am also expected to forgive what was done to me.  There is even a parable in the bible which speaks of a master forgiving his servant a debt yet the servant wouldn't forgive his fellow man a smaller debt so the master punished him for it.  As God forgives us, we are to forgive others.

Now to go back to the example of my father and I.  As long as I hold on to the evil that he did to me, I am still in bondage to it.  I can never be free as long as I keep it within my heart.  It will sit like a poison slowly killing me.  It would turn my heart into stone, cold and rigid.  With no chance of experiencing what God has in store for me.  There wouldn't even be room for God.  As long as I refuse to forgive, I will relive it until I either do forgive or die.  I become like one with two masters.  The abuse will continue and live on.

To forgive my father isn't to set him free, but to set me free.  It isn't about him.  Do you think that he really cares whether I forgive him or not?  Half the time he denies that it ever happened and the other half claims that I deserved it.  I didn't forgive him for his sake, I did it for my sake and for my sanity.  So that God will be free to heal me from the hurt and pain.  So that I can be open to become who God intends for me to be.  And so that he can use me to help others that are where I was.  I pray for my father that God would move him to ask for His forgiveness because by what he did to me, he also sinned against God. 

Jesus forgave the people that were killing him while they were standing there mocking him.  Through the pain of the cross, forgiving was his first concern.  And we truly know not what we do.  That is just as true today as it was 2000 years ago when he died.  But because He without sin died for our sins, death couldn't hold Him.  So He rose.  Through that blood sacrifice on Golgotha (the place of the skull) we are forgiven.  And if you haven't experienced the forgiveness of God please feel free to check out my church's website at  God's desire is that none should perish and even though He is knocking on the door to your heart, you have to be willing to answer.

God bless and always be a snakebird.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Don't be a Magneto

In the first X Men movie, there is a scene in which Magneto is about to turn Senator Kelley into a mutant.  The line that he says right before raising into his machine sends chills down my spine even thinking about it.  "God works too slowly".  It would be easy to condemn him for saying such a thing.  However, how many times have we thought or felt the same thing?

The world that we live in today is very fast-paced.  Instant gratification.  Two minutes to heat up a hot pocket in the microwave?  I'll starve!  Get to know somebody before dating them?  Are you kidding?  Technology is constantly trying to outspeed itself every year.  If it wasn't hear yesterday, then it's too slow and too late.  Patience has turned into a lost art.

It makes one wonder what the people in the bible would think of today's attitude.  What about Sarah and Abraham?  She was well beyond menopause when she first gave birth.  How about Zacariah and Elizabeth?  He had already given up on God answering their prayer for a child in a society that based a lot of your success on whether you had children or not.  Yet John the Baptist was born when God needed him to be born.

In reality what we need to be doing is the same that happened in Joshua.  When they bowed before the battle and did exactly what God said.  March around the city wall, okay.  We don't see anything happening but we will keep going.  March until your shoes wear out then march some more.  Eventually God will make that wall fall.  And chances are it will be in a way that we would never expect it too.

Ian McKellen is the actor that played Magneto in that movie as well as the other X Men movies.  However he does redeem himself.  Not in X Men but in Lord of the Rings.  As Gandolf in the beginning he says  that he is "never late or early but presicely always on time" (or something to that effect).  When we start feeling like Magneto then perhaps it would be best to remember that line and remember, God said it first.  And he is ALWAYS on time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My first blog

Wow!  My first blog.  Something that I've never done before.  There was a time when if told I would be doing this I wouldn't believe it.  So, here are my current thoughts.

This Monday night I was honored by something that still amazes me.  I was publicly recognized for the work that I do for God.  Now, that isn't to minimize all of the wonderful people that I work along side of at FreshLife.  In my opinion, they all deserve recognition and in a way, what happened to me is a direct reflection on those that I serve along side of.  They truly inspire me to continue on, keep fighting the good fight, and how we really are nothing without God.  We really are one family under God, indivisible, with salvation and mercy for all.

It would be so easy to just sit back now but I believe what God expects from me is to step up the anti.  Forge ahead and not to get complacent.  In some ways, more responsibility has been given to me because there are now more people looking to me to set the example that God wants us to live.  More accountability.  Only look back to encourage me to keep moving forward.  God has done so much for me, and yet it is such a small amount compared to what is still in store.  I don't know what all he has planned for me but I do know that it's beyond my imagination.

There are times when I look in the mirror and have to ask, "God, do you have the right person?  Do you know who I am and what I've done?"  Of course, I already know the answer but just the thought that he can use me,  ME of all people still blows my mind.  Just a little small town girl from Clearlake Oaks, CA/ Whitefish, MT.  Nothing special.  But in Christ I am special- I'm the bride of Christ.  Why He loves me?  I have no clue.  I would have given up on me ages ago,  I'm sure that Moses felt the same way when a burning bush started calling him to do great things for God.  He tried to talk God out of it but arguing with God never works.  I should know, I've attempted it enough times.  -Got tired of always losing.

That's it for today.  Just working and praying that I don't let God down on this next leg of the journey to make him famous.  I don't feel ready but if He's calling me to do it, then I must be ready for it.  God Bless and remember to always be his snakebirds.