Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Peter is cool

Yep, that's right.  The apostle Peter is cool.  He messed up and put his foot in his mouth and that is one of the many reasons why I clearly stated and will continue with the phrase:  Peter is cool.

Peter is the one that after telling Jesus that He is the Messiah goes to tell Jesus that what Jesus just said about His death isn't going to happen.  How did Jesus respond?  He called Peter Satan.  Ouch!!!  However, that wouldn't have happened had Peter not spoke to Jesus.  Which would be worse?  Saying the wrong thing or saying nothing at all?  Plus how many other of the twelve were thinking the same think but were too chicken to voice it?  My guess would be that God would rather have us say the wrong thing to Him then not be willing to speak at all.  He longs for conversations with us.  We are His children and He delights in us.  And He knew that Peter was speaking from his heart, even though he didn't understand at the time that Jesus was discussing what He was sent here to do.  And God has big enough shoulders to see into our very souls when our tongue works without a brain.   However, I wouldn't recommend that with other people.

Another great moment was when Peter called out to Jesus on the water that if it is you to call me out as well.  I would be willing to bet that ANY of them could have called out the same thing and Jesus would have responded the same.  Yet how many of them climbed out of the boat and walked on water, even if just for a short period of time?  Peter.  And as long as his eyes were on Christ, he was succeeding.  It was when he started to focus his eyes on the waves that he started to sink.  How many times have we taken our eyes off of God and onto our circumstances?  Yeah, we do the same thing.  But don't let that stop you from climbing out of the boat.

Then there is the washing of feet and the boasting of how he would NEVER betray Jesus.  What did he do at the first chance?  Swear to God that he has never even heard of Jesus of Nazareth.  I couldn't even begin to imagine the dread that went into his very core when Jesus looked at him that final time.  Rumor has it that from that point on, every time Peter would hear a rooster crow, he would cry.   It is easy to put him down for that however, how many of us swore "I would never..." just to turn around and do it.  Did Peter need to be humbled?  My opinion is yes.  And sometimes the lessons that we need to learn hurts to learn.

Even after the resurrection Peter once again said something that he shouldn't have said.  Jesus told him what his future will entail.  Instead of saying okay Lord, what did he say?  "What about Him?"  (He was referring to John BTW.)  I dare you to tell me that you have never done that!  If I said it, I would be lying.  I have two younger sisters and all three of us did it to each other.  I have yet to meet someone who hasn't done that.  In all honesty, that is one of my biggest personal struggles. 

What I love so much is that he was courageous.  He had a true, complete love for Jesus.  And the majority of his foot going into his mouth was because he did love Jesus so completely.  Even though Peter didn't understand everything that was planned, he didn't let it stop him.  What I love the most is a fact that most people don't know about him.  Before Peter was crucified upside down, he was tortured.  And part of that torture was watching his wife be tortured and cricified.  Yet he cried out to her the whole time to keep her eyes on Jesus and that soon she will be in paradise with our Lord.  Now that is a man that I want.  That is the type of man I pray for.  Whether it happens or not, who knows.  Either way, I am the bride of Christ no matter how often I act like Peter.  I just hope that someday it will be in the positive things he did and not just his mess ups.

God Bless and remember to always be Snakebirds

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Biggest Fears

This last weekend at church we discussed bravery.  Then the first question asked for our small group what is your biggest fear.  It really made me think what exactly my biggest fears are.  There is more than one unfortunately.  So rather then just share them with a few, I will step up and share them with all.

My first fear is to let God down, to disappoint Him.  I am sure that I already have in many ways and many times.  It still bothers me.  Someday I will be facing Him knowing how much I've messed up in life.  All the opportunities that I blew or allowed fear to prevent me from going forward with.  Looking at where my life is now, it isn't where I thought I would be and I am disappointed in my life.  Yes, God is in charge and yes, nothing I do will ever surprise Him.  He has never been shocked by my actions and deeds.  But it still bothers me.

Another one which is big is to pray for what I know I need and what He requires us to pray for.  Why?  Because He isn't going to answer them the way that we want Him to.  It's easy to whine and complain crying out to lighten our load yet how often do we pray that He will strengthen our backs to handle the load that He has given us?  Because the load will get heavier the stronger our backs become.  When we pray for patience, He gives us opportunities to exercise it and exercise is not always pleasant.  It hurts the muscles.  He will give us calm in the storm but what we desire is for the storm to go away.  There are certain things that I know I need and must pray for, however, I also know that as He bestows those things upon me, life becomes harder.  Jesus promises us a life with suffering and strife.  I'm a wimp and don't like those things.  There will be blessings in the end but the journey does get rough.  If He is to make me a diamond, then I must endure the crushing and fire that all coal must go through first.  God's gems are never easily made.  But to be privileged to be called upon by Him makes it all worth it.  He qualifies the called not call the qualified.  Lucky for me because I'm not qualified for hardly anything.

I have more, many, many more.  However I'm not up for going over those besides they are lame.  I know that I will die alone but I am afraid of living alone.  Loud sudden noises.  A death with no meaning.  Being sat on by a large purple elephant.  Just basic stuff.

God Bless and always be a Snakebird


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Everything starts with action

In science class, we learned that in order for something to happen, you had to do something first.  Whether it's combining two different chemicals to either make salt water or an explosion, or biology dissection, you had to do something to make something happen.  Now, most of you know that I am and always have and will be a science geek.  Aced my sciences on my ACT in high school plus my love for scifi movies, it's hard to deny my love of the subject.  Studying why things are done and act the way that they do, it intrigues my logical side of my mind.  The problem/puzzle solver in me.  The little Nancy Drew that I admire so well.  One thing that I love even more is when God uses science to prove His point.

There is a movie that has a quote that I admire and it is one of my favorites.  It goes, "When science contradicts scripture, the science is wrong.".  Why, because science is OUR understanding of how things work and seeing as how we are imperfect humans, we have been known to be wrong on more then one occasion.  God is the one that created everything and as such, He is the one who first designed the laws of science for us.  One law of science regardless of which science you love is simple, in order to make something happen, you have to do something first.  The car won't start if somebody doesn't turn the key right?

Now, to look at the Bible, scripture always seems to start with an action.  Even the creation had an action before it happened.  What was that action?  God spoke.  It didn't just happen, God first spoke.  Why?  Because He doesn't want us not to act.  He set the example.  We are to seek before we will find, ask before it is given, delight ourselves in Him before we will be given the desires of our heart.  Through WORKS faith is made known.  We are not to just sit back and do nothing.

Now at my church we have a saying for this.  We call it being a snakebird.  To be cunning and planning as a snake is however, to also rely on God and be gentle like a dove.  To trust and have faith in God and His plan and at the same time, accept responsibility in what He desires for us to do to make it happen.  Believe it or not, sometimes God uses us to answer our prayers.  We shouldn't just pray God give us then Amen and leave it at that.  To start with, we should always thank God for what He has and will do.  We should also be more then willing to take our needs and desires to Him and for me, part of thanking Him is to remind myself not to take Him and what all He does for me for granted.  Another thing is that after the Amen, do we ask Now what do you need me to do?  How can I help?  What part can I play to make it happen?

Even in accepting Christ, we have to take the action of believing.  In being used by God, we have to take the action of saying AND meaning "Lord, use me however you desire".  When He says to do something, then do it.  And one thing that I still struggle with, accepting the bad with the good.  There have been times when I've gotten upset with God over something that is happening and have to remind myself, it's like the ultimate marriage.  As great as being the bride of Christ is, it also means accepting the hard and bad times.  To quote the song, He never promised us a rose garden, we are going to have rain.  We need the rain to make us grow.  We have to be put through the fire to be molded into what He needs us to become.  Better or worse, sickness and health, I vowed to follow God regardless of what is sent my way.  That is an action that is sometimes hard to do, but it's worth it.

There is a joke about a man that always prayed to win the lottery.  Every week he would pray to win.  Every week he would lose.  Eventually the man died and he was facing God and asked Him "Lord, I prayed every week to win the lottery and you never answered my prayer.  Why?"  God replied, "You weren't willing to go and buy a ticket.  You can't win without purchasing a ticket first".  I don't want to be like that man. 

At this time of year, people are looking for miracles.  The first miracle already happened.  When Jesus took the action of coming down to earth as a human.  To live like one of us and yet, never sin.  To be willing to die for us and even by us in the most horrific deaths ever imagined by man.  We celebrate the birth that allowed for our rebirths.  The BIG miracle is what we celebrate.  Perhaps now is a good time to ask in what miracle we are to be a part of.  I already got my small miracle, God sent him to me in November.  It's still early, still important to take it one day at a time but who knows what exactly God has planned for the two of us.  I'm just thankful for what He has already given me and completely amazed by it all.

I pray that you recieve the Christmas miracle that God has designed for you.  Merry Christmas, God Bless, and always remember to be a snakebird.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Does anybody hear me? Does anybody see?

Have you ever felt empty or lost?  Almost like you're invisible and nobody would notice if you just disappeared?  You cry out for help yet no help comes?  Yeah.  A vast portion of my life as been just that.  There are so many non-Christian feelings and thoughts that I fight within because of those times.  When I ask for help and they renege because something better to do comes along.  Leaving me stranded and alone.  It's hard for me to trust someone and way too easily for that trust to get lost after acquiring it.  So many people know my face yet how many really see me?  How many people look past the "freak" that I appear to be and really see the person inside?  There is someone inside and my blood is just as red as anyone else's.

It's so easy to hide behind a smile, to say everything is okay when my back is hurting so bad that I almost pass out from the pain.  But to let down those walls, let people see the weakness and fragility of what I really am.  There aren't many people that I allow to see me cry, unless they are happy tears from someone giving their life to Christ (it's hard not to cry over something so emotionally exhilarating), I sometimes wonder if people know that it is possible for me to do just that.  How many know how humiliating it is for me to admit that I hurt or need help?  It is a true struggle for me to even approach someone and ask for help.  I HATE BEING THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS!!!  I'd rather be the damsel saving my prince's butt.  Not that my vision is biblical, it's probably just the opposite.  I don't want to be seen as weak and incapable.

There are times when I doubt God.  Not because He has done anything to make me doubt Him but because it isn't being done in MY time frame.  I get impatient and weary waiting.  I continue to serve Him, that is what one does for someone that they love.  But when things get tough I just wish that I had someone to walk through it with me.  Another imperfect human that would love me.  God's love should and usually is sufficient.  Most of the time I do love being single and the thought of losing it terrifies me.  However, when I am hurting and suffering, it would be nice to have someone hold me and remind me that God is here and He is overseeing everything.  Ruth got Boaz but during times like these, I don't feel pretty or strong enough to ever have anyone.  But if that is what God demands of me, then so be it.

Perhaps it took being in so much physical pain to get me to start exposing who I really am.  That I can love The Oakland Raiders, Mozart, Shakespeare, Def Leppard, Skillet, X-Men,  fishing, hiking, ballet, and even the opera.  And still be completely me.  To remind myself that even if nobody else sees me, God does.  No where in the bible does it say that God loves the world...except Colleen.  It's that God loves the world...Period.  No exceptions.  He sees us all and He loves us all.  There are times when I get mad at God for making me who I am, but when I really think about it-who else would I be?  It's not always fun or easy but I really don't think I would want to be anyone else. 

Thank you Lord for getting me out of this funk.  My back still hurts but my spirit is already healing.

Love ya God.

God Bless and remember to always be Snakebirds.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

needing change

I spent this last weekend once again arguing with God.  Now, if doing that doesn't make me look stupid, WHAT I was arguing with Him over will without a doubt, make me look like the biggest idiot of all time.  Think of Zachariah when Gabriel told him that Elizabeth was going to have a baby.  They wanted and longed for one for so long yet, when the time came, he couldn't believe that their no was now a yes.  Well, that was me.  I got so complacent with my no that the thought of it turning to yes terrified me.  Heck, it still does in some ways.  Ten million reasons why it should stay no ran through my mind and I was praying for an answer.  I was even going to ask for prayer until I heard the sermon on Sunday and was afraid they would think that I wasn't paying attention.  Then walking home I was arguing and it all came out.  I was telling God that I was comfortable and that is when it hit, right when that word went into my mind the problem became clear.  I was comfortable.

When it comes to our walk with Christ, there is no standing still.  And when we become comfortable, we become complacent.  And when we become complacent, we stop moving forward.  And that is when Satan starts sliding us ever so slowly backwards.  And he does it slowly so that we don't recognize that we are moving.  So God is placing me into another growth spurt.  These are the areas that I pray that everyone holds me accountable at.

1. Don't tell God how it's going to be.  I am on his team, not the other way around.  After the last Skull Church service something was said to me that I'm not telling yet but I did tell Amanda while we were at Famous Dave's.  Thinking that she would agree with me she suggested that the person was prophetic and that she could see it happen.  My response was "When Hell freezes over" "Over my dead body" "When pigs fly" and so on.  That was two weeks ago and I hear that Hell is preparing for a cold front to move in.  Why?  Because I thought that I was calling the shots.  Nope!  God does.  I thought that I was getting better at just doing what God tells me to but evidently I still need some more work on it.  I need to learn to be more submissive to God before I can be submissive to another human.

2. Stop freaking out.  God isn't fazed by it and He wrote the book.  If He's not worried then what gives me the right to be.  It's in His hands and whatever shots He calls, I need to follow.  The bible says "DO NOT BE AFRAID" 365 times.  That's one for every day.  If you count leap years, you are only allowed to be afraid one day every 4 years.  I'm 41 which means that I'm only allowed 10 fear days and I think that I used them up ages ago.  If I was to live long enough to make up my fear days, well, some would refer to me as an immortal.  I really don't want to stay on this rock that long.

3. Don't be afraid to take risks.  The only way to guarantee failure is to never try.  I don't want to be known as a success at failing due to not taking any risks.  Besides, that's what boring people do and I don't want to be boring.  In some areas of my life, I am a risk taker but in others, in the ones that matter I tend to play it safe and that in itself is dangerous.

4. Stop praying for God to do the work.  I need to pray that God will supply the provisions for me to do the work.  In the book of Joshua, he didn't pray for God to kill his enemies, rather he prayed that God will supply the provisions for him to kill his enemies.  While holding on to God's promise of victory.  God is with us and He has already promised us victory in Him. 

5. It's all or nothing baby.  If God is going to give me His all, then I need to also give Him my all.  Heart, soul, mind.  I need to believe that God is giving me His best and stop trying to second guess.  When He says that you can have it all, He doesn't mean everyone except me.  I am included. 

6. Growing pains are blessings.  They may not seem like it at the time but if God is still growing me, He still has plans for me.  He's not through or giving up.  One of the beautiful things about being a Christian is that the best is always yet to come.  And through these pains, bountiful fruit will blossom.

7. Keep Moving Forward.  I know, it's like Disney's Meet the Robinsons.  Seriously though, if we stop moving forward, we risk slipping backwards.  Do you really want to relive your past?  I know what's in mine and I am more then happy to let it stay behind me.

That's all for now.  As I continue to grow there will be more.  The list is probably too long to type even if I had a thousand years in which to do it in.  In looking back, because there are times when it is beneficial, I see all that God has done and it amazes me that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

God Bless and remember to always be a Snakebird

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cleaning House

This weekend was spent cleaning house with my daughter.  Now Christine who is the youngest of my kids is 12 and thinks that she's 18.  She also has NO idea on the proper way to clean.  However, at her age, I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about.  So, she starts cleaning one area.  She gets that one area clean and everything else is wrecked.  Then she goes to another area and makes the mess bigger.  Before long the whole place is trashed and I've acquired a new way of thinning my hair which, I might add, is not pleasant.  Oh, and let's not forget my constant looking up and asking, "Why God?".

Because she's human, like her mother and every other homo sapien on this planet.  We do the same thing to God.  And as frustrated as I was getting with her, I don't even want to consider how much worse we must be with God.

Think about it.  How many people have you heard come up with the excuses that they'll come to Jesus after they "sow their wild oats" or "gotta clean a few things up in my life"?  Every time that we try to clean up our act without Jesus, we just make a bigger mess.  And it's not just people talking about becoming saved either, the saved are just as guilty.  Don't believe me?  Then just check out David and Bathsheba.  He slept with a married woman then when she conceived, David had her husband killed.  He knew God when he did it.  I'll clean it up before God sees it.  Yeah, right.  David thought the same thing and it worked for Him about as crappy as it works for us.  God sees EVERYTHING.  In fact, God would be the worse being to ever play hide and seek from because there is NO WHERE TO HIDE.  He sees the mess, He saw us make the mess.  He was there the whole time.

When Jesus knocks on the door to our hearts, He knows that there is a mess waiting for Him inside.  That's why He is there.  That's what He does.  He junks out all of the bad, piece by piece, and replaces it with His stuff.  The good stuff.  It's not always easy watching Him throw out things that we deem important but that is where we need to learn faith and trust.  What He replaces these things with are so much better.  What we have is old, worn out, and second-hand.  He is bringing in top of the line, never been used before, Grade A, Kosher, God approved.  He is replacing our little playground with DisneyWorld.  How fab is that?

So, are we ready for our spiritual housecleaning?  Well, step one is to get the ultimate housekeeper.  If you don't have Jesus in your life then I would strongly encourage you to check out this website at and get yourself plugged in.  They are more then excited to help get you on track.

What's funny is the thought that if somebody ever came over to clean my place, I'm the type who would clean before they get there.  Yet with Jesus, He wants us to just give the mess to him.  And it's okay.  Remember, He did watch us as we were making it.

God Bless and always be a snakebird.

Trading Places

This morning while coming in to work I was listening to Skillet's CD Awake.  Two of my sons both love Skillet and neither of them are saved.  While it was playing, all that I could think about was what will happen to them if they remain like they are when the rapture takes place.  Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for it to happen.  However, the mother in me is screaming WAIT FOR MY KIDS!  The very thought of what they will endure just makes me cringe.  If there was any way that I could trade places with them, I would.  Heaven doesn't work that way though.  It's a one way ticket and non-transferable at that.  Besides, I'm an imperfect single mother.  I'm not qualified to take their place.  Nor do I have to.

Our destiny, or fate has already been switched.  There was one perfect man, one that left Heaven itself to take our spot.  "Jesus came into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17.  He never intended to constrict us with a bunch of rules and regulations but to free us from the slavery of our own sins.  To trade places with us and take the punishment that was to be ours.  Jesus is the only one qualified to do that for us.  And He did.

There have been times when I've wondered why He would even considering doing such a thing.  We are so messed up and can't seem to ever learn from our mistakes.  For Him to even think about leaving Heaven and coming onto this earth to die the most horrifying of deaths...  but perhaps this morning I got a small taste of what it was.  Love.  The thought of even one of my kids choosing Hell over Heaven just tears into my very soul.  It rips my heart into shreds.  It such an overbearing pain that makes every atom in my body scream out.  These are my babies.  No matter their age or what they've done they are still my offspring and I will always love them.  When I tell them no it's not to be mean or a bully but to assist them and help give them a better life.  Does it sound familiar?

God is the perfect, ideal father.  If I love my children even with my own imperfections and mistakes that I've made with them then how much more does God love us?  We are His children.  And just as living eternity without my kids there haunts me to no end, maybe that is why Jesus went to that cross willingly.  Because His love for us is so great that He can't bear the thought of spending it without us in it.  We are the children of God.

Jesus doesn't tear down the door of your heart like a SWAT team busting in and forcing Himself on you.  He's a gentleman who is knocking at the door.  It's up to you to get up and answer the door, to invite Him in.  If you haven't done that yet then I pray that you do, just as I pray for my sons.  He desires that none should perish, it tears at Him just as the idea of my children does to me.  For more information if you are seriously looking at that door and hearing the knock, please go to this website at and they are more then syked to help you.

God Bless and always be a snakebird