Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cleaning House

This weekend was spent cleaning house with my daughter.  Now Christine who is the youngest of my kids is 12 and thinks that she's 18.  She also has NO idea on the proper way to clean.  However, at her age, I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about.  So, she starts cleaning one area.  She gets that one area clean and everything else is wrecked.  Then she goes to another area and makes the mess bigger.  Before long the whole place is trashed and I've acquired a new way of thinning my hair which, I might add, is not pleasant.  Oh, and let's not forget my constant looking up and asking, "Why God?".

Because she's human, like her mother and every other homo sapien on this planet.  We do the same thing to God.  And as frustrated as I was getting with her, I don't even want to consider how much worse we must be with God.

Think about it.  How many people have you heard come up with the excuses that they'll come to Jesus after they "sow their wild oats" or "gotta clean a few things up in my life"?  Every time that we try to clean up our act without Jesus, we just make a bigger mess.  And it's not just people talking about becoming saved either, the saved are just as guilty.  Don't believe me?  Then just check out David and Bathsheba.  He slept with a married woman then when she conceived, David had her husband killed.  He knew God when he did it.  I'll clean it up before God sees it.  Yeah, right.  David thought the same thing and it worked for Him about as crappy as it works for us.  God sees EVERYTHING.  In fact, God would be the worse being to ever play hide and seek from because there is NO WHERE TO HIDE.  He sees the mess, He saw us make the mess.  He was there the whole time.

When Jesus knocks on the door to our hearts, He knows that there is a mess waiting for Him inside.  That's why He is there.  That's what He does.  He junks out all of the bad, piece by piece, and replaces it with His stuff.  The good stuff.  It's not always easy watching Him throw out things that we deem important but that is where we need to learn faith and trust.  What He replaces these things with are so much better.  What we have is old, worn out, and second-hand.  He is bringing in top of the line, never been used before, Grade A, Kosher, God approved.  He is replacing our little playground with DisneyWorld.  How fab is that?

So, are we ready for our spiritual housecleaning?  Well, step one is to get the ultimate housekeeper.  If you don't have Jesus in your life then I would strongly encourage you to check out this website at and get yourself plugged in.  They are more then excited to help get you on track.

What's funny is the thought that if somebody ever came over to clean my place, I'm the type who would clean before they get there.  Yet with Jesus, He wants us to just give the mess to him.  And it's okay.  Remember, He did watch us as we were making it.

God Bless and always be a snakebird.

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