Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My first blog

Wow!  My first blog.  Something that I've never done before.  There was a time when if told I would be doing this I wouldn't believe it.  So, here are my current thoughts.

This Monday night I was honored by something that still amazes me.  I was publicly recognized for the work that I do for God.  Now, that isn't to minimize all of the wonderful people that I work along side of at FreshLife.  In my opinion, they all deserve recognition and in a way, what happened to me is a direct reflection on those that I serve along side of.  They truly inspire me to continue on, keep fighting the good fight, and how we really are nothing without God.  We really are one family under God, indivisible, with salvation and mercy for all.

It would be so easy to just sit back now but I believe what God expects from me is to step up the anti.  Forge ahead and not to get complacent.  In some ways, more responsibility has been given to me because there are now more people looking to me to set the example that God wants us to live.  More accountability.  Only look back to encourage me to keep moving forward.  God has done so much for me, and yet it is such a small amount compared to what is still in store.  I don't know what all he has planned for me but I do know that it's beyond my imagination.

There are times when I look in the mirror and have to ask, "God, do you have the right person?  Do you know who I am and what I've done?"  Of course, I already know the answer but just the thought that he can use me,  ME of all people still blows my mind.  Just a little small town girl from Clearlake Oaks, CA/ Whitefish, MT.  Nothing special.  But in Christ I am special- I'm the bride of Christ.  Why He loves me?  I have no clue.  I would have given up on me ages ago,  I'm sure that Moses felt the same way when a burning bush started calling him to do great things for God.  He tried to talk God out of it but arguing with God never works.  I should know, I've attempted it enough times.  -Got tired of always losing.

That's it for today.  Just working and praying that I don't let God down on this next leg of the journey to make him famous.  I don't feel ready but if He's calling me to do it, then I must be ready for it.  God Bless and remember to always be his snakebirds.

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