This morning while coming in to work I was listening to Skillet's CD Awake. Two of my sons both love Skillet and neither of them are saved. While it was playing, all that I could think about was what will happen to them if they remain like they are when the rapture takes place. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for it to happen. However, the mother in me is screaming WAIT FOR MY KIDS! The very thought of what they will endure just makes me cringe. If there was any way that I could trade places with them, I would. Heaven doesn't work that way though. It's a one way ticket and non-transferable at that. Besides, I'm an imperfect single mother. I'm not qualified to take their place. Nor do I have to.
Our destiny, or fate has already been switched. There was one perfect man, one that left Heaven itself to take our spot. "Jesus came into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17. He never intended to constrict us with a bunch of rules and regulations but to free us from the slavery of our own sins. To trade places with us and take the punishment that was to be ours. Jesus is the only one qualified to do that for us. And He did.
There have been times when I've wondered why He would even considering doing such a thing. We are so messed up and can't seem to ever learn from our mistakes. For Him to even think about leaving Heaven and coming onto this earth to die the most horrifying of deaths... but perhaps this morning I got a small taste of what it was. Love. The thought of even one of my kids choosing Hell over Heaven just tears into my very soul. It rips my heart into shreds. It such an overbearing pain that makes every atom in my body scream out. These are my babies. No matter their age or what they've done they are still my offspring and I will always love them. When I tell them no it's not to be mean or a bully but to assist them and help give them a better life. Does it sound familiar?
God is the perfect, ideal father. If I love my children even with my own imperfections and mistakes that I've made with them then how much more does God love us? We are His children. And just as living eternity without my kids there haunts me to no end, maybe that is why Jesus went to that cross willingly. Because His love for us is so great that He can't bear the thought of spending it without us in it. We are the children of God.
Jesus doesn't tear down the door of your heart like a SWAT team busting in and forcing Himself on you. He's a gentleman who is knocking at the door. It's up to you to get up and answer the door, to invite Him in. If you haven't done that yet then I pray that you do, just as I pray for my sons. He desires that none should perish, it tears at Him just as the idea of my children does to me. For more information if you are seriously looking at that door and hearing the knock, please go to this website at and they are more then syked to help you.
God Bless and always be a snakebird
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